A SOLE HOPE shoe cutting party

My friend Noreen and her daughters hosted a shoe cutting party and the kids and I went!

What’s a shoe cutting party?

It’s a get-together where you cut a pattern out of jeans (and a thin plastic) that will be sewn into shoes for people in Uganda.

The shoes prevent sand fleas (jiggers) from entering feet.

All the kids were able to help trace and cut the patterns!

* We managed to make two complete shoe patterns!

*In addition to completing a shoe pattern- $10 needs to be raised… The money goes for finishing the shoe in Uganda!

Why $10 – here’s the breakdown

The kids and I will be looking for ways to raise $20 so we can send those shoes to Uganda! Not only will a child get a pair of shoes, but someone in Uganda will be given the job of making the shoes!

You can go to the http://www.solehope.org/  to find out more! You can cut shoe patterns out of your old jeans, host a party, or donate a few dollars! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ŸπŸ˜Š


Party Result: 28 pairs of shoes; $262.70 



  1. That is such a great idea! Do you mind if i share this!

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Sole Hope | figuringitoutmommy

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